it's the journey

it's the journey

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wall Flower Confessional

I confess, I LOVE me some social media!  I facebook, I tweet, I blog--much to the dismay of my children no doubt.  Still, some days facebook makes me feel like a wall flower--I sign on and BAM!

Leaving for France tomorrow!

Cruise was AWESOME, pics will be up soon!

OMG, I cannot believe I was nominated for a Grammy!

Gotta run, having tea with George Clooney and the Queen of England!

Okay, I made the last one up--but still!  Is it just me or does everyone feel like this sometimes?  I think if we're honest, we do.  It gives us that same icky feeling of being the short, chubby kid who was always picked last for the team--oh wait, maybe that was just me! Don't get me wrong, it's not that I DON'T want my friends to be going on all sorts of adventures and accomplishing magnificent things, I just want to do it too!

It's always tempting to compare myself to everyone else around me. Is it human nature? Yes. Is it a good idea? No. Yet time after time, I climb onto that little hamster wheel and spin round and round till I realize--this thing is going nowhere! And when I do, I overlook all the good stuff in my life. 

It makes me feel a little better that even Peter wasn't immune.  Here's Jesus, spending quality time with Peter, giving him instruction, telling him what his future holds.  And what's Peter thinking about?  He's barely paying attention. He sees John walk by and wants to know--what about that guy? Jesus answers, "What is that to you? You must follow ME."  (John 21:1 NIV)  OUCH!  Get your eyes off everyone else Peter, it's all about Jesus.

Paul on the other hand had it all figured out.

"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  (Phillipians 4:12)

So what do I do when I'm feeling like this...okay, it's sounds really nerdy.  I make my little mental lists.  Everything I have to be thankful for.  Actually, just the first 10 or 20 I can think of.  Because really, if I made a complete list, it would fill up pages and pages and pages.

But for starters:
I woke up this morning
In a Bed
Under a warm blanket
Beside a loving Husband
In a House
That I own--well, Michael, me and the fine folks at HSBC, but you get the idea
That has heat
And running water
And electricity
And a refrigerator
With Food in it
I have two feet
And plenty of shoes
And enough clothes that it takes me forever to decide what to wear

You get the idea.

When we were kids my mom would say, "Every little dog will have his day." Well, maybe so, but until then, Fido should count his blessings!


  1. Love this! I posted a few days ago about contentment as well. Some days I have to remind myself...more than once!

  2. I hate that hamster wheel - I'm often riding it myself - though I'm usually green while spinning. I strive to have Paul's mindset, feeling that most days I've succeeded yet when I find myself treading water, discovering I'm merely a Peter and nothing like Paul, it's in those moments that I decide that Paul's merely a 'brown-noser'... yeah, my attitude is often needing adjustment, but the list thing really does help... when it's not wet.

    Love this, thank you for sharing - I'm working on your last post, ha! :)
